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Joint Conference:

The International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Environment, and Applied Science (ICCEEAS 2024)

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The 3rd International Conference on Energy Storage Technology and Applications (ICESTA 2024)

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Building Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals for the Better Future

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Joint Conference ICESTA and ICCEEAS

Joint Conference: The 3rd International Conference on Energy Storage Technology and Applications (ICESTA-2024) and The International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Environment, and Applied Science (ICCEEAS-2024) are international scale events that are co-organized by the Centre of Excellence for Electrical Energy Storage Technology (CEFEEST) and Chemical Engineering Department of Sebelas Maret University. These joint conferences will be held on October 9th 2024 in Surakarta under the theme “Building Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals for the Better Future”. read more..

Since the conferences will provide platforms to discuss current developments and advantages in energy storage technology and policy, chemical processing and engineering, and environmental and applied sciences, we are pleased to invite:
1. Vocational, Undergraduate and Graduate Students
2. Lecturers/Educators
3. Researchers/Scientists
4. Entrepreneurs/Start-Up Companies
5. Industry Experts and Practitioners
6. Policymakers and Stake Holders
To join us in this Joint Conference and be Involved in the development of sustainable technology for the better future.

The conference topics are (but not limited):
Biochemical Process Exploration and Optimization
Bioprocess Technology
Chemical Education
Chemical Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis
Chemurgy Technology
Designing, Modelling, and Process Optimization
Energy and Conversion Technology
Food Technology
Material Development

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  • Edibon is a worldwide benchmark company, with 40 years of experience in teaching equipment for engineering and technical education. Our strategy based on continuous Research and Development (R&D) allows us to have nowadays more than 4,000 products developed and designed by us, manufactured with the more....

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