ICCEEAS-2024 & ICESTA-2024
October 9th, 2024 In-person and Virtual Conference (Hybrid)
Website: https://icche2024.ft.uns.ac.id/
Contact: ICChE2024@ft.uns.ac.id
The conference theme is “Building Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals for the Better Future”. These conferences will gather professionals from various research institutes, universities, industries, governments, and students to share, discuss, and present current advances in energy storage technology for ICESTA-2024 and advances in chemical engineering, environmental and applied sciences for ICCEEAS-2024, both of which promote the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) in the respective areas or fields. On the other hand, these conferences aim to strengthen international and multidisciplinary research through the mutual collaboration of researchers, academia, industries, and governments.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to the following:
Biological physics
Chemical physics and physical chemistry
Electronics and devices
Environment and Energy
Instrumentation and measurement
Materials physics, materials analysis and characterization
Soft matter, liquids and polymers
Surfaces, interfaces and thin films
All accepted and presented papers will be published in Conference Proceedings, which is indexed by Scopus *TBA.
Selected paper will be published in International Journals, which are indexed by Scopus and/or Sinta.